[Fluff] I have a talent theory, let me explain
You know that talents have priorities, can can, LKD, dancer etc top tier or very high. I looked through the high priority ones and found something interesting...
We all know resist talents, the filler talents resist freeze being slightly useful due to Henry but still not worth it unless on a rare and that's pushing "worth it". Well if we look through every top tier units talents iwe start to see a pattern... example
Can can:
Money up Speed up Alien Dmg & hp
NO resist talents! Another example:
Lil king dragon:
Surge immune Survive Mini wave lvl 4 Stats 20%
NO resist again! Another
Relic(and curse immune) KB immune Stats 20%
NONE again! I can go on about other unit changing talents etc.
But you see the pattern? Those that get the can can treatment(amazing or broken talents) have no resist talents but non can can treatment talents do, I believe that it's like when Ramen released how he was so broken that angels had to balance around him.
With the top talents when they accidentally make a unit op(can can and maybe lkd) they try to not make talents like them so they add resists to them automatically to try to prevent a can can happening again. And maybe UT and UF are ways of adding stuff without needing to worry about balancing so it's easier, which might be why the requirements for UT and UF are so high so they can make them OP and say "well look at the cost! 15 dark catseyes! So it makes sense!".
Anyways this was just something I wanted to share cuz I'm bored and It was a fun thing to make theorys about:P uhhh in conclusion...idk get kintaro lvl60 cuz kintaro is perfect