[Fluff] check description
Let's break this down:
- Chance of getting an Uber-Rare: 9% (0.09)
- Chance of getting a Super-Rare: 26% (0.26)
- Chance of getting a Rare: 64.7% (0.647)
- Chance of getting a Legend-Rare: 0.3% (0.003)
- There are 109 Uber-Rares in total.
- You want to get 1 specific Uber-Rare.
We need to compare the chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare to the chance of getting a Legend-Rare.
1. Calculating the chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare:
- Since there are 109 different Uber-Rares, and the chance of getting an Uber-Rare is 9%, the chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare is:
[ \text{Chance of specific Uber-Rare} = \frac{1}{109} \times 0.09 = \frac{0.09}{109} \approx 0.000826 ]
This means you have a 0.0826% chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare.
2. Calculating the chance of getting a Legend-Rare:
- The chance of getting a Legend-Rare is directly given as 0.3%, or 0.003.
3. Comparing the chances:
- The chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare is approximately 0.000826, and the chance of getting a Legend-Rare is 0.003.
To compare these two chances:
[ \text{Ratio of chances} = \frac{\text{Chance of specific Uber-Rare}}{\text{Chance of Legend-Rare}} = \frac{0.000826}{0.003} \approx 0.2753 ]
The chance of getting your specific Uber-Rare is about 27.5% of the chance of getting a Legend-Rare. In other words, getting your specific Uber-Rare is roughly 27.5% as likely as getting a Legend-Rare.