How the hell do High Card runs work?
So I've gotten kind of stuck on trying to pass Orange Stake for the first time. When looking up advice I feel like it's a common attitude in videos and stuff that high card or pair builds is a good strategy for high stake as they're far more consistent than flushes or straights.
I've tried to implement this, but I don't understand it at all. Anytime I try to see if maybe pivoting to high card is possible o quickly find that I'm not making anywhere near enough mult/chips to survive.
Even try using scaling stuff like Bus or Supernove but I ain't scaling quick enough to survive later Antes. Plus econ is tight so upgrading with planets doesn't really feel super worth either.
Probably something I'm missing or screwing up, but I really don't get how to make high card strong enough to capitalize on its consistency.
Only managed to beat purple stake by getting lucky as hell on a Flush build