Long time fish-keeper seeking axolotl setup advice
Hello everyone,
Little bit of backstory/information before I begin. I've been keeping fish off and on for approaching 20 years. Currently I have about 250g of Aquariums with the largest being a 120g housing a Tanganyikan cichlid "community". I'm well versed on pretty much anything freshwater aquarium related. I keep neocaridina shrimp as well so I'm used to being careful with water parameters and working with sensitive fish(my paracyprichromis are very unhappy with nitrates above about 15ppm and also don't like water changes). My daughter has been interested in fish for a few years and decided she wanted an axolotl 2 years ago. Since then she has managed to save up just over $1000 and in the 2 years has remained interested in getting an axolotl.
I have a few "spare" tanks available but I'm intending on getting a 40 or 60 breeder to house the little guy/girl. Leaning towards the 60 since I have a stand already that would fit the 60. The tank will be bare bottom with a few areas on the back and sides set up with siliconed glass or slate holding some sand/aquasoil for plants. All edges will be sanded smooth and any aqua soil will be capped with very fine sand.
I took some time and read alot of the information on the "FAQ" pages but I have a few specific questions.
Living in central Florida I would like to have a chiller set up instead of using evaporative cooling. Can anyone recommend a specific brand or unit suitable for 40-60g of water volume? My house is between 72 and 75 during the hot months.
I am partial to using either an overhead filter box or sponge filter on my Aquariums. But with the need for a chiller I'm thinking a cannister filter is going to be required in this case. Any suggestions or tips on plumbing would be appreciated.