To what extent should speech be censored?
Free speech has been a relevant topic in western politice for decades now. As of today, much of the developed world has implemented anti-hate speech laws, which includes speech which may be racist or otherwise discriminatory. For example, Holocaust denial is illegal in some of Europe and Canada.
Many people have expressed their support for the existence of these laws but many have also expressed why they are opposed to laws which may censor freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the idea that you should be able to speak or express an opinion or belief without any government interference or criminal prosecution. Some people try to defend free speech laws and oppose the restrictions placed on free speech which attempt to prevent certain ideas or statements (e.g., discriminatory speech) from being spoken or expressed.
I bring this discussion here today discuss what you believe about free speech. Should we be allowed to say what we want without consequences? Or are some beliefs left better if unexpressed or suppressed? Share your opinion.