Why does "strolling around the street" not exist in the west?
I'm ethnically Chinese and there's this thing in Chinese called 逛街 (guàngjiē) which means something like to "stroll around the street" or "window-shop" (or a combination of both). For example example, you'll heard people say to their friends "let's go 逛街" which is sort of like saying "let's hang out" but not exactly, it's specifically for the purpose of walking around and looking at stuff. You'll see groups of two or more young people that do this in China and sometimes they'll get all dressed up for this and it's a legitimate social activity.
I'm just wondering why the equivalent doesn't exist in western countries? It's usually understood that when you "hang out" you're supposed to do something like have a meal or see a movie (unless you're a teenager and you're too poor to do anything that requires money). My understanding is that in Chinese culture there isn't really an age cut off for 逛街 but in western culture you don't really just "walk around randomly" with your friends unless you're either a tourist or a young person with lots of time to kill.