Koreans on the road to 35% winrate

https://ibb.co/L1Pp0MT Not only that! Koreans not really fun to play because their options are a bit limited and boring. And i really think that we missed many opportunities with this civ to have unique strats that will make it unique fun and more balanced!

  1. to make them balanced they should have 20% bonus affect all units like Portuguese, i see no point for siege restriction/
  2. Koreans should have all Siege upgrades with^ Rams and scorpions, Espeally rams, rams seeing rare play in aoe 2, so it would be nice to see 1 civ with cheaper FU rams, maybe some player will find out new strats to utilize them with wood discount. They have bad cavalry, bad monks, bad infantry so atleast they should be good with siege and archers.
  3. Eupseong give towers +2 range but also doubles their projectile speed to make this tech have a cool look and ability to actually shoot smth with such range=)
  4. Koreans should have parthian tactic (war wagon should not be affected by it), So they would have Cav archers missing only bloodlines (the only 1 civ in the game with such number of upgrades if they will get such change) but with cheaper cost and free armor upgrades.The idea is to give them 2 options go for tanky and expensive war wagons and castles or cheap glasscanon cav archers with towers.

All this buffs a minor but will breathe new life into the civ.

U could check Koreans stats on https://www.aoepulse.com