Mongol Steppe lancer is a good unit!
Hello everyone. first of all, before telling my impressions i will say that I feel a newbie (so probably best players see lots of drawback on my points) (around 1200 ELO) and I cannot talk about other steppe lancers since I dont play other steppe civs (but seems like there is a common agreement on mongol steppe lancer to be the best).
I have been playing mongols for a long time. I really love the civ. It does not seems to me to be easy to use (very gold intensive in general) but they have lots of options and the options are very interesting.
In all that, one of the things I used to use less on the civ was Steppe lancer, but since I started to try them, they seem like the way to go in lots of situations.
Personally I see them as a version of knight line less powerful in brute force but generally best on all other situations. They are easier to mass, cheaper (talking about gold, of course), better against haldberdier, the stable unit worst nigthmare (of course SL is not a counter of that unit, but they should mass a LOT of halberdiers to counter them) and they are not as fucking bad against knight line. and of course much better on harass
Of course their main drawback could be the archery, but since the have the best siege rams n the game (really fast) to absorb range damage, it is possible to use them on that situation also.
I heard so many people talk about "just do hussar, is 0 gold intensive" but hussar is not as nearly useful as SL. they are not as good agains cavarly, they are not as good harassing, the are horrible againg halberdiers...
SO personally, I see the one of the best units in the game despite the infinite cuantity of threads talking about buffing them (something I don't agree with, at least for mongol version) I think they are good! maybe my only drawback should be the cost of the elite version, which could be a little higher than cavalier upgrade, but of course, not as much.
What do you you think about that, guys?