Is this an adhd thing?

Does anyone else have a major problem with spilling things on themselves and ruining their clothes? I just went on a 5 minute long rant to someone about how I need to start getting all my clothes at second hand shops and stop wasting my money on new ones because I literally stain every single thing I own within hours of wearing it. My boyfriend says to me at least once a week “what is it with you and sauces?” because I will spill/drip them on myself every single time. I put on a brand new pair of jeans last week and an hour later I dumped a full can of soda in my lap. Today I somehow managed to get grease stains on a brand new hoodie. And I didn’t even eat anything while wearing it.

It seems like such a small thing to get so frustrated about but it gets embarrassing when you need to go somewhere nice and realize you don’t have any clothes without at least one visible stain on them. I don’t know why I’m like this. Maybe it boils down to an issue with fine motor skills. Or maybe I just don’t pay enough attention when I’m eating.