[PH, WoW] MA at 7 weeks

Hi, I just had my MA (pills from WoW) and before I rest for the day, I figured I should share what happened. There are already plenty of resources on how to donate to different legitimate organizations and what to expect with the delivery, so I’ll offer my specific experience with actual MA.

Key items: 1. 1 mife and 12 miso from WoW 2. 800mg ibuprofen (2 pcs of 400mg) 3. 1 bonamine 4. 1 antihistamine (good to have in case of allergies, which thankfully I did not experience) 5. Heating pad/hot compress 6. Companion (best to be in contact with someone, at the very least, in case of emergency)

Day 1: August 1

2PM: I took 1 bonamine just in case. I’m not a nauseous person, but I had to as I only have 1 mife and I wasn’t going to take any chances.

3PM: I took the mife. Side effects: close to none, I had a sudden cramp once but I’m unsure if it’s because of the mife. No allergic reaction either.

Day 2: August 2

2PM: not exactly at 2PM but I took another bonamine, then 2 pcs of 400mg ibuprofen. I’m sure you can take it together, but I just wasn’t sure if I’d be comfortable swallowing all those pills at the same time.

3PM: 4 miso under my tongue. At this point, my partner was keeping all of our activities and side effects in record. Thanks, my love.

3:30PM: There were still undissolved parts, and as instructed I spat them out. Side effects: As soon as I hit the 30-min mark, I started bleeding. I also felt cramps while the pills were still dissolving under my tongue, ibuprofen did its thing and hot compress definitely helped.

At this point, I’d like to stress that I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I don’t want to mislead anyone with cramp ratings, but for me it felt like a regular heavy day cramping that never really left me immobilized. Again, high pain tolerance. This is different per individual.

3:31PM - 5:59PM: I had light dinner (instant mac and cheese). Unlike many of the stories I’ve read, I did not lose my appetite and it helped to have snacks nearby. I was in and out of the bathroom and I’d like to note that the first bathroom trip a huge clot dropped as soon as I sat on the toilet. In my succeeding trips, I bled and passed clots that varied in size (I would say around 3 clots and the sizes were ranged from a coin to a kiat kiat/cherry tomato).

6PM: 2 miso under my tongue.

6:30PM: The misos dissolved completely. Didn’t spit anything. Side effect: the area under my tongue felt sore, started after the 4 misos actually. I see this as a recurring side effect for many of us.

6:31PM - 8:59PM: I passed 5-6 clots from medium to large. I also still kept snacking. Cramps were ongoing, hot compress is key. At this time, I changed my overnight napkin around 4 times. I can no longer recall if all of them were full, but I vividly remember 2 pads filled in all sides. My partner and I were not entirely sure if this was a cause for emergency care, but I just figured it was normal as I was passing clots (apologies if this is truly an emergency case, hope someone can clarify for me. I did not feel any other side effect other than cramping so I assumed we were still good).

9PM: I took the extra 2 misos. I could’ve stopped but I wanted to make sure. And it’s safe up until 5 doses according to WoW.

[POTENTIAL TMI] 9:30PM: Due to the sizes of clots, I truly thought the pregnancy had already passed. However, even before the misos fully dissolved, I felt another clot pass. It was smaller than the largest pure blood clot I passed, but the major difference was a white/gray-ish sac that seemed solid. It was small, like a grape. I couldn’t get a clear look but I felt this was perhaps the baby.

As of writing, it’s 11:30PM. I haven’t decided yet if I should take the 4th dose of miso just to make sure everything is cleared. Perhaps I’ll also just rest for now. I also checked my bleeding and I’m haven’t filled the pad and the last time I changed it was around 9PM.

My partner and I feel so much love for our baby. So much that this was the only course of action that is the best for them. We are not ready in any capacity, but we agree that we will be. And when we are, we’ll welcome our baby back if they’ll still have us. We’ll be worthy.

So, dear redditors, I hope this post is helpful to at least one of you. I may be unresponsive to DMs or comments as I need my private time with my partner, but when I’m ready, I’ll do my best to return and help others as much as possible.