Deep fried lesson learned

I have celiac disease, so it's rare that I get to eat "normal" battered and fried things. Yesterday my husband and I were on a day trip and we found an entirely gluten free place that specialized in deep fried foods. I was so excited! I got a six-piece fried chicken nuggets and fried cheese curds. I ate all the nugs and maybe 1/3 of the cheese curds. I felt so queasy the rest of the night that I could only manage a protein shake for dinner.

Apparently, heavy, fried foods are a big no-go for me.

On the upside, I got into a size smaller jeans yesterday and was able to wear a coat I bought last year for the first time (it was several inches from zipping when I originally bought it secondhand. Yesterday it was snug, but not uncomfortably so.) I hate paying out of pocket for this drug, but it really is life-altering.