Club Members - Yoto Sale

Collector and Collector+ - it looks like we just get a flat 20% off on all purchases for cards which is great if you don’t spend above $60. BUT, if you do spend more or want to, you’re better off combining the regular Black Friday sale and a referral code…I got 25% off doing that instead…I spent $60, got the 15% and then added a referral code for an additional 10%. Again, for cards. Can’t say about adding players or accessories, I didn’t need those.

I feel they kind of dropped the ball for club members, limiting us to only 20% for cards when non members can potentially get much more.

Anyways, just wanted all to know!

Edit to add: Yoto confirmed that for CARDS, members get a flat 20% off, there’s no stacking…so buy wisely if your spending $60+ on cards and hit the referral threshold (69.99 for US). But for players and accessories, it will stack. I’ll put their message below in a comment.