Deportation Project APPROVED

After the International Plebiscite for Peace was held, the enormous number of supporters of the elven deportation, approved by much of the world and by New Dawn was observed.


The Supreme Führer of the Anti-Chaos Regime, like his people, disapproved of the project, and denied the repatriation of the elves who were victims of the Maximists.

This decision is extremely important for the CEK Council, as it will hinder progress to stop the Maximist Holocaust.

The goal now is to avoid deportation to New Dawn and other kingdoms and empires, with the exception of the ACR.

The Deportation operation will continue SUCCESSFULLY, however the request not to repatriate the elves in the Anti-Chaos Regime territory will be RESPECTED and the elves from the maximist territory WILL NOT BE deported to the ACR.

An agreement will be formalized, signed by international representatives and published as soon as ready.