Tornado IDS ASSTA 1 LJDAM help please

Right so Germany finally got access to JDAMS in the form of the GBU 54. Now I was just trying it in test flight and I am doing something wrong.

I select the GBU54s with the weaponselector. Go into the targeting view from the LITENING pod, put the desginator over a stationary target, and then press spacebar. The weapon drops clear of the rail no problem.

After this though the LJDAM doesnt wanna JDAM it only wants to L since it only wants to follow the laser apparantly.

Whenever I press spacebar thr laser automatically turns on even though the keybind for toggle laser is set to ALT + L. And wben the laser is on all the bombs wanna follow it I guess? Is there a GPS mode I need to put the weapons in or something? Different keybinds?

I want to put the cursor over 6 targets in a row and drop a bomb on each and then turn away. I dont want to guide all of them in 1 by 1 or I'd use a paveway or something.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks