How much to own all Miku content in Fortnite ?

I’m not sure if this is best place to post I was thinking of asking tomorrow but I have question and thought maybe people would know even without the shop being updated right now.

I’m new to Fortnite I only played a handful of times with friends in the past my account still has 1400 VBucks and I’m wondering how much it would be to own all the Hatsune Miku content in Fortnite? I’m getting confused on the Music Pass vs Fortnite Crew vs just buying directly in the item shop. If I do it through the pass will I still own the items permanently even after I stop paying for the pass? Also I think I saw the tracks are going to be individual purchases like Miku from Anamanaguchi,Daisy 2.0 by Ashnikko, World is Mine by Ryo. So even if you own the pass you may have to pay for extras? Maybe it will make more sense booting into game tomorrow.