Being the single one is so exhausting.
I'm just always the single one. It's gotten worse as the years have gone on. It used to be the odd friend had a girlfriend but now it's literally everyone except me. Anytime I go out with friends I'm just surrounded by couples. Makes me feel like such a loser.
It's basically impossible to meet anyone now anyways. Dating apps suck and nothing goes on where I live. The only social area is pubs and I don't want go to them. The only activity I do away from home is the gym and I don't think I've ever spoke to anyone there. It definitely does not feel appropriate to approach a woman in the gym either.
I'm actually starting to feel hopeless because in the last 2 years my life hasn't really changed at all. I was relatively social in college and never even had a girl interested in me and I've barely met any people since I graduated.
Every day just feels the same.