update on my homicidal brother

i posted in here about a week ago talking about how my homicidal brother was being sent home, even though he hasn’t gotten much better, because insurance didn’t want to pay for it anymore.

the first three days (wednesday - friday) were quite normal. he was social and calm. i worked all day on saturday and i came home in a bad mood at around 7PM. i walked straight to room after telling my dad i just wanted to sleep and right before i got to my door, my brother sprinted from the living room over to me and didn’t say anything. he just hovered over me and stared at me without saying anything. this is the exact behavior he was doing to my dad a few months ago just before he admitted to wanting to stab him.

then today, he did it again. i started my laundry about two hours ago (9PM) because i’ve found that doing chores at night time means he won’t bother me. well apparently this isn’t true anymore because he ran down the stairs as soon as i closed my door and followed me into the laundry room, just hovering over me while i put my clothes into the wash.

i went back to my room after i was finished and then came back out 30 minutes later, hoping he wouldn’t still be there. i was wrong. he very much was. he was standing right across from my bedroom door just looking at me. i went into the bathroom, did my skincare, and i went back to my room without saying a word to him as he stood there. i don’t know if he’s still there, i don’t want to check.

i’m creeped tf out and so angry. i did not want him to come home, nor did i even want to have a little brother in the first place. job corps won’t let him in for another like two months, so i’m just stuck with this until then.