My Unprofesh Opinion on Season 11

Long time lurker here, but I have finally been pushed to the point where I need to share my thoughts or I will EXPLODE. I have watched VPR through twice, cover to cover, and I have watched the current season far too many times than I am proud of admitting. So for everyone out there who is interested, here are my thoughts on the most recent (Season 11) season so far. Also, sorry for the wall of text, I've been holding these thoughts in for a while:

  1. If I took a shot for every time someone raised the issue that Ariana is still in the house, I might get so sloppy that it would put Tequila Katie to shame. Firstly, yes, it would be much easier to just move out of the house, but, much like the pasta incident, IT ISN'T ABOUT THE HOUSE, IT'S ABOUT THE PRINCIPAL AND RESPECT OF HER HOUSE. Ariana did not destroy the home, she didn't rattle the friendships, she didn't cause this cataclysmic relationship event that ripped the rug out from under her. No, Tim Tam, and her "alleged" best friend did. The person who caused the incident should have to be the one to leave. Why, because of someone else's shitty decisions, does Ariana have to move her life around? And why, oh why, should Timmy get the house when he was the one who made her safe space no longer safe? I don't know my guy, I am just SO over her "friends" blaming Ariana for not "getting over it" and then throwing the whole, "she still lives with him" in her face like pocket sand. Get a new bit, seriously. My girl is just sticking to her guns and refuses to be bullied, and that's what I want to be like when I grow up.
  2. Speaking of sticking to guns, Katie has become my top fave this season (and Allie and Ariana, but who is counting). She isn't taking any shit, and she puts down her boundaries and maintains/stands by them. I am so over women being called bitches and catty for standing in their power and sticking to their guns. Katie and Ariana have stated, countless times, that they do not want to be associated with trash people, so why is the group so surprised when they don't? Katie has also been KILLING IT with sticking up for her friends. I think the fact that Shartzy didn't stick up for her made her sensitive to that important part in her relationships, so watching her sticking by her morals and her friends? I say FUCK YEAH to that.
  3. The little jabs that Spandexoval gets in really have been stellar this season. The "I'm not a narcissist, you should look it up" defense when Gina was telling him that his actions were close to that of a narcissist. The comparing himself to Scott Peterson and when Shartz says "he murdered people," he chimes in with the good old fashioned "allegedly." And him continually referring to Ariana as his "roommate" to these poor young women at his sexy-single-pool-party made me want to be Thanos snapped out of existence. There were countless other one-liners that have slipped my mind, but this guy is a soundbite MINE this season.
  4. Jo. Okay, as a person with ADHD (or "ADD"), I want to like Jo, I really, really do. She's goofy and awkward and should be the underdog, except I just can't get past the fact that she is not a girls girl. For one thing, she knew about the affair and even accompanied them, all while also remaining friends with Ariana. Moving in with Sports also didn't help her cause, especially since she blocked Kristin after doing so, and was so supportive to Katie, yet did a whole 360 and moved in with her ex-husband. I don't understand how the girls icing her out makes them bullies. You're allowed to draw your line in the sand and state "this person is not welcome in my bubble, they only cause issues" and not be a bitch.
  5. I was a Lala stan. I thought she spat the truth, and watching her wreck Spanxy on the yacht was a blast, but, how can you go and get a meal with this person after?? DUDE, YOU SAW HOW HE ACTED ON THE BOAT! You even heard all the shit that he said and called him terrifying! Again, I want to like Lala, but she just keeps making these poor decisions to keep straddling the fence, even when it is to her detriment. Pick a side, honey. No one likes a flippity-floppity friend. All I have is the show and its edits, but I wouldn't be friends with Scrodavol even if you paid me (which you are).
  6. I also wanted to give an honorary mention to Jax for the flogging that he gave Timmy. I watched that scene 3 or 4 times, and THAT is the energy that we need in regards to this whole situation, so thank you, JAX for being the voice of reason here for the first time in your adult life.

Anyways, there is my Ted Talk, y'all. Please tell me all your thoughts because I need to know if I am alone in these thoughts or not.