
I still want to be with you. I’ve done so much thinking. I know we could make this work and come out stronger than ever. But I have ALWAYS been the one to put us back together every time. If any part of you wants it to work, you need to initiate it. The longer we go without reconciling, the easier it’s getting to put you in the past. And I just know we could be amazing. The longer you go without attempting anything, it makes it clear that I really am not important to you and you never wanted this. You clearly have free time today, so you can either prove I’m important to you, or prove I’m the least important.

If anyone wants to take this as a message to reach out to their person, feel free. My person won’t see this but I want to scream it into the void. I can’t let myself to be the only person trying to make it work again. And I know after today I’ll be feeling better and more able to move on if nothing happens.

I appreciate having places like this to vent and get things off my chest. In a way it’s embarrassing to post this lol, but bc of the anonymity I’m good. 👌🏻

But seriously if you’re thinking of reaching out, there’s nothing left to lose and everything to gain. No matter what was said, if you have a way to contact them, you absolutely should.