Blessed Mistake

So I had this shop and deliver in Scottsdale Arizona with $172.00 worth of Safeway groceries for a $26 trip including tip going 1.8 miles.

Win from the beginning right???

Gets to the home and the people who answer the door says,

"we didn't order that we're just on vacation."

So I dbl check the address and see that it's correct. So I message the lady and ask did she input her address correctly.

She responds oh no, I'm out of state. Just got home from vacation and I didn't update the adress. So I asked her could I just confirm delivery and she said Yasssss!

( Because we know the headache this could've been)

She sent the pin, and boom.

Long story short. My wife and I have been living in a hotel since a week before Christmas. (A very expensive plight in Scottsdale Arizona.)

It's been really really hard. We both work full time, and Uber full time. Barely getting by. So this blessing of groceries along with a exceptional tip was so divine.

The items in the groceries are almost exactly what we would have shopped for. I'll never lose my faith in doing good. Despite how hard it gets.