Looking for Advice: Navigating (and possibly leaving) a Highly Political Company

Background: I work at a company that has a lot of political turmoil and low UX maturity. I was the second designer they hired, and was originally, more or less, a glorified graphic designer. I was just excited at the opportunity to get into the field. Now, we're (trying) to operate as a normal product team would, and working on entire experiences vs. landing pages/emails. I've now been here about 6 years, and we've had at least 3 reorgs, and I've had around 6 or 7 bosses.

So, here is my predicament: each new product leader that gets hired is promised a lot, and they quickly are met with roadblock after roadblock. Many leaders in the company don't see the need for UX/Product at all, and dismiss any new ideas, despite industry standards, competitors in similar spaces, or even basic legal requirements. We were sued for ADA compliance and settled because we couldn't make changes fast enough, with issues I had been bringing up for literal years. So each new leader that gets hired comes in guns-a-blazing with "new" ideas that have been pitched multiple times in years past to only get shot down over and over. These leaders burn out, quit, and the cycle starts over again.

I've redesigned every inch of our website multiple times, and I've barely been able to ship even little features. But, I have this massive library of design work that I would love to share (not sure if I can though since we're publicly traded so I'm erring on the side of caution). I do as much due diligence as I can with the information that I have, but I feel like a fraud since there's no way to determine success with our projects...since they don't ship. I worry that if I stay here, that my future career prospects will shrink. I have a lot of old, shipped, work on my portfolio, but it's nowhere near where my skills are now. I would love to keep it updated to keep my prospects open, but I'm at a loss as how to strategicly go forward. I don't feel like I have a lot to show for myself even though I have so much work. If you read all this thank you so much!

Have you encountered this, and how did you navigate it? If you were in my situation, what would you do?

TLDR: political turmoil causes projects to never ship, which worries me for the future of my career.