Confused teacher completing a self-assessment form: Do I have to declare this?
Hi all, I have registered for self-assessment as I make some money on the side. My full-time job is a teacher. Please note, this is the first time I've done this! :)
On the side, I do tutoring and I sell resources. This has taken me just over £1k. I predict that it will take me to £1.2/1.3k by April 5. I was registering for self-assessment for this as I know I will need to pay tax on this.
Last year I was a GCSE examiner and I was taxed through PAYE by AQA. I was classed as a contractor. When I signed up for the self-assessment form today, there was a specific option which said I am a contractor for an exam board which I had to tick. However, I wasn't planning on putting this on the form as the tax had been paid. Do I also need to add this to the self-assessment despite it being taxed already? I had thought not - but then the specific option on the online form has confused me.
Thanks all!