Anteaters going to graduate school: Celebrate or Commiserate Here

It's the end of the school year, and many seniors are applying to graduate schools, including me. I thought I'd start a thread where we can share what we hope to get into, and the responses we've received so far.

I'll start!

I'm a sociology major, looking primarily at Ph.D. programs in sociology, but a few backup Masters programs in journalism.

Rejected: UCI Global Studies

Interviewed: Columbia University

Waiting for response: Cal, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, UCI Sociology, USC journalism, Boston College, Binghamton University. If I don't hear anything positive from any of these programs, I'll probably look at some CalStates for their master's programs.

Scored upper third of GRE test takers, terrible overall GPA, but very solid major GPA. Excellent letters of rec (I think!).

How's it going for you?