Floaters from retinopathy

Hi everyone,

I have a call into my doctor but my mind is racing while I wait. I am 15 weeks pregnant and had a hemorrhage in my left eye in July and have had cobweb floaters since then. I also should add I’m in stage 4 of retinopathy. I am 34 years old and have had diabetes for 25 years and sadly didn’t take care of it in my late 20s, and am now dealing with my mess up from them even though my a1c is now 6.5. My question is yesterday I noticed the floaters had become more of brown see through but blurry splotches instead of the dark black lines of the cobweb they were. Is this a sign of them finally healing from the injections and laser therapy or is this something bad? Not sure if anyone has had this but just looking for some insight.