Does having your period ever get easier?

I’ve been having my period for ~7 years now. I’m still not used to it. I hate it so, so much. I hate not catching it in time and bleeding through my jeans. I hate washing my jeans twice and the stain still won’t come out. I hate running to the bathroom because I thought I felt something just for it to be nothing. I hate the PMS and moodiness I get in the days right before it. I hate the cramps and pelvic pain. I hate forgetting a pad and stuffing my pants with toilet paper. I hate worrying about toxic shock syndrome from tampons. I hate pads that don’t fit right and make a scratchy sound when I walk. I hate the blood everywhere. I hate realizing I’ll be on my period during a vacation or trip. I hate that I can’t have sex with my partner because of some biological process I didn’t ask for. I hate the waiting for the week to be over. I hate that it happens every fucking month for the next 25 years of my life!

I feel so childish complaining about my period because it’s something every woman in history has gone through, but the idea of doing this for decades makes me want to cry. I’d go on birth control to stop it but I have a history of mental health issues that makes messing with my hormones a bad idea. It’s not even that my periods are particularly bad, but all the little ways it inconveniences me for no reason other than being born like this is so frustrating. It just infuriates me that men will never ever understand this, that they get the easier path biologically AND socially.

So my question to other, more experienced women: Does it ever get easier? Do you ever get used to it?