Social media comments on posts showing the adult male arrested are awful.

My daughter snuck out and was in the custody of an adult man 30-40 miles from home since the early hours on 11/1. We thankful have a vigilant sheriff that found her and she was safely returned. The predator is a 23 year old man (more will be arrested but this is who she was with when she was found). People are in the comments talking about how SHE ruined his life, how she (14 yr old with a personality disorder) should be in just as much trouble, and how my daughter asked for this. I am not on fb and I’m not reactivating but stuff gets shared to me. I am disgusted. I understood the judgement on my parenting, cause I have made that mistake, but to defend the predator has just blown me away. She is not on Facebook and has no idea what is being said and we are doing everything possible to keep it that way. Sorry, just needed to vent some where.