Do you use push to mute/push to talk when playing with other when you stream?

Lately when I’ve been playing multiplayer games with other streamers I’ve noticed none of them use any kind of push to mute/talk thing so me and anyone else in the call (and my own stream if I’m streaming) can hear them greeting followers or doing giveaways or just taking with their chat in general.

Sometimes it’s cool if I’m not streaming and can interact with their chat too. But even then there will be times I have to talk over them to talk to a teammate or listen to them react to their redeems and it just kind of gets on my nerves. However, I am neurodivergent and get over stimulated by sound very easily so it might just be a me problem lol

I have mentioned it to a couple of people but they said they don’t like doing push to talk. Which is honestly understandable to me lol So I just stopped streaming with other streamers for the most part which is fine.

Personally I always use push to mute when I talk to my chat and I always will, but recently I’ve run into so many people that don’t. Is it not usually what people do? It’s not too big of a deal to me, Just curious about others thoughts on this!