I am missing some faces from SKU19 to Twinmotion how can I fill the void inside Twinmotion?
I have imported a VERY large model from SKU19 to TM 2025.
95% of everything looks perfect.
I am missing several floor faces, and one water surface on top of a large aquarium
(I made a zigzag line over the missing floor area) I am in modelling mode but have no idea what to do next?
and one wall panel appeared in front of another one that isn't needed.
I am lost on how to ask the proper wording and where to go inside the UI to fill in the missing faces and cut out the one that is not needed without going back to SKU make correction and reimport
I used to work with Lumion, that allowed to click "Alt" in materials and it would re import the file from a new file name updating the changes made (leave all vegetation etc.)
Is that the case in Twinmotion. If I re-import the fbx file with corrections made in SKU will all my vegetation and implemented lighting remain as is? Or do I have to start from scratch?
My final destination is Unreal Engine and I have managed the file migration from TM to UE 5.4 very well before.
This import was to show all correction and addition for light emitting surfaces and add the vegetation in TM as I read it is way easier than in UE.
ALSO would you recommend to "explode" all groups and components in SketchUP before export the FBX to TM and then migrate to UE gaming module?
I still can't figure out if I repaint one specific area material it does NOT seem to affect all the areas with the same material in TM . Sometimes it does sometimes not is that due to it being a group or not?
In SKU this is not the case all faces with same materials will change to new material)
Thank you so much for anyone's advice