You cannot let the left gaslight about their hostility towards men
A lot of the sociopolitical conversation lately has shifted towards men and what's going on with them. After Trump's second win, there has been some genuine outreach towards men and young men in particular while others are simply being performative in their concern. There are also those who are intent on gaslighting about what they've said(or implied) regarding men. Specifically, they're denying that the left wing has been antagonizing men for the better part of the last decade at a minimum. They cannot be allowed to rewrite history like this.
They will increasingly claim they were never hostile to men or masculinity. They'll claim they only hate male hegemony and "toxic" masculinity. But they can never define toxic masculinity in a way that doesn't reflect a general hatred towards male nature.
The entire #MeToo, #YesAllMen and #BelieveWomen movements were highly misandrist in nature. I don't need to explain "YesAllMen" but the others were as well. MeToo was basically a bunch of famous and powerful men having their reputations destroyed by simple accusations-in most cases with little or no evidence. Many, maybe the majority were clearly guilty of serious crimes but we have no idea how many were wrongly accused. It will likely not come out till years from now. There was rarely a due process and there was no way for the men to defend themselves if they were innocent or restore their reputation.
But you couldn't bring that up because we're supposed to "believe women" every time they make accusations. The rationale being that a woman has nothing whatsoever to gain from making a false accusation of rape or harassment, which is patently wrong just given how many false rape accusations are known to happen. It also implies that a man's word has less value compared to that of a woman, cause if a man protests for his innocence, you are automatically supposed to believe the woman.
Then there was the myth of college rapes. There was a mass hysteria about a supposed rape epidemic in American universities carried about by frat boys and it all turned out to be...false. There was nothing, and yet Obama himself commented on it. Young men were vilified and essentially been neutered in terms of their ability to attract women.
Worth noting that all of these things happened when Gen-Z was in highschool and middle school. These boys saw male celebrities being railroaded with no ability to stand up for themselves, they saw people claiming that ALL rape accusations must be believed with no question, and they heard about young men not much older than themselves being accused of being rapists en masse in college. Can you imagine what that does to teenage boys who are going through puberty?
The sad thing here is that this is barely scratching the surface of how the left has antagonized men. And yet they pretend like none of it ever happened. They'd have you believe it's just a bunch of men angry about losing their "male privilege" or whatever. Young men have never known male privilege.
Do not let them rewrite history.