It won’t go in

I feel like i’m going insane but I have no one to talk to about this.

First time my BF and I tried to have sex, he uhhhh couldn’t go in. I was in pain from just the tip, and according to him he could not physically get it in any further and was worried he was going to hurt me.

It’s not an issue of other things either, I very very much wanted to have sex with the gorgeous wonderful man I love, I was wet, and the condom was lubed. It just wouldn’t fucking fit.

Is this it? Can we never gave penetrative sex? What is wrong with me?? I feel like shit about myself, like I’m broken somehow. He doesn’t see it that way, but I do. We’re seeing each other again soon and I’m fairly anxious about it.

Neither of us has had this issue before, but that was my first time attempting to have sober sex.

Edit for clarity: this is all self imposed anxiety! I asked him what he’d do if we could never have penetrative sex and he said he’d walk on down to a plastic surgeons office to get his dick sized surgically smaller. I just can’t help but feel bad about it and my body, because this is completely my issue.