Trouble with swooshing troches / not swallowing !
Last week I did my first session! I did a 200mg troche and was advised to swoosh for 10 minutes and not swallow. Within about 5 seconds I was desperate to swallow and continued to feel that way throughout the 10 minutes essentially sneaking little swallows while with all my might to keep everything in my mouth. By the end it felt like my mouth was going to explode.
I need your guidance! How in the hell do you teach yourselves not to swallow? And for much longer periods of time, it seems. What do you do when your mouth feels super duper full and you are at risk of exploding? Have you found music or podcasts or techniques that help you go inward / distract from a strong desire to swallow?
Also, next time I am doing two troches (200mg + 100mg booster) at the same time so I imagine it will only be worse! ahhhhhh
Grateful for any all advice : )
(ps the results were that I felt a eurphoric high for the first 5 minutes or so and then settled back into my mind and body for the rest of the time, and felt anxiety about it...curious if my swallowing had anything to do with this. or if you have advise on how to extend the good feels. bad headaches for 24 hours afterwards!)