________ isn’t that bad.
The edit this season has clearly made her look awful and I 100% agree the theatrics are out of control🤣 HOWEVER, we have to give credit where it’s due! Out of 4 original traitors, she’s the only one standing AND managed to strategically get Carolyn out when no one suspected her at the beginning of the episode. To beat out Boston Rob and Carolyn, 2 extremely savvy game players, is commendable. BTDQ was amazing as well obviously I just know he didn’t come from a game show and they suspected him pretty early on.
Do I think she’ll win? Absolutely not unless it’s her and Britney and a faithful in the end for some reason. They’ve been on to her this whole time and if they don’t vote her out next week I’ll genuinely be confused. UNLESS someone uses the seer on Britney for some reason 👀 that’s one of the only ways to divert attention from danielle again.
I’m not a big fan of Carolyn or Danielle and I didn’t watch the shows they come from. It feels like people are coddling Carolyn just a bit, and hating on Danielle a bit too much. They’re both strong strategic women imo to have made it this far and it sounds like they were successful in their previous games as well.
EDIT: I hope it’s obvious but by “not that bad” I’m saying her GAMEPLAY is not that bad, I’m not talking about her character or who she is as a person idk her lol