AD module is very powerful with the Bounce Target Sub Effect.

you guys can counter check this if you want.
Looking at the ancestral AD, if you have Ancestral Bounce Target.
you can hit 25704x 8.59% chance per bullet. this is pretty powerful. you can boost that even more with ST.
compare this to a decently upgraded CL 1000x*4(ancestral core) at a 20% chance ( excluded the crit in the formula)
if you use it for farming, and obviously you will get the +6 bounce shot perk,
you have a 874360x damage at a 2.25% chance.
This bullet damage math excludes critical, thats why im comparing it to UW without crit in the formula.
This equation has not included shock, ACP or Spotlight.

Maybe the conclusion here is, to get Bounce Target +4 and Bounce Target Chance+12% on ancestral AD, to burn through protectors and elites.