100k benchmark
So I always hear about 100k invested being the big benchmark where your money starts to work for you and I don’t know if I should push hard for that goal or focus on paying down debts first?
So just some quick simple background:
Household income is ~154k
HYSA ~ 50k
Roth IRA ~ 35k
Car loan is ~ 10.8k
Home loan is ~ 212k
Rental loan is ~ 126k
Our monthly budget comes to about 5600 but this includes all debt payments, bills, and fun/entertainment! We are expecting a small increase in pay this year and we believe we can hit the 100k invested mark this year with some of the extra cash we have in our HYSA (~20k more than we need for our emergency fund) and what we save monthly, but we dont know if it’s worth it to hit that benchmark or pay off our vehicle and start paying down our home loan?
EDIT: I own the rental because of happen stance and moving for work same w/ current residence, but these are interest rates
Rental: 3.875
Primary: 6.625
Car: 6.25