I’ll say it. Graveyard is worse than Family House
The amount of nuggets alone is so grossly and blatantly family sided. There are already dozens of loud puddles, why in gods name would they add a bunch more? There are like 3 nuggets on top of each other every way you turn. There are also barely any wells, and most are behind gates. The reality here is that they wanted the whiny family mains to shut up, so they added more noisemakers in hopes of successfully doing it.
Too bad the majority of players aren’t incompetent. You can’t even make it out of the basement, because family rushes down, even if you’re silent. When you have to make family sided maps because half of your playerbase is so immature and incompetent, then you have a problem. If it wasn’t for private/solo, I’d never get to explore this map. It’s a shame, because it’s a gorgeous map. Victims will just dodge this, and rightfully so. If you’re spotted, you’re fucked, thanks to the nuggets and puddles everywhere. Not to mention the lack of wells