Progress in recovering testosterone levels after extreme leanness & diet
I’m 24 years old and recently demolished my hormones staying extremely lean for too long. No hormone usage or drugs of any kind involved here. After a health issue related to that effort, I completely changed my diet model and started eating in a surplus, have gained 11 pounds, and have made sure to eat healthy fats and things that are required for hormone production.
Second photo is from today, 10 weeks since I started these changes and am happy to see some improvement, but there’s still plenty of room to improve. Going to keep at it and see in a couple months what results look like.
Posting to show how extremely sensitive our bodies are to diet and habit changes, and thought people here might find it interesting. Also seems like there are way too many young guys my age with suboptimal T levels seeking TRT without always giving an honest effort to change them. I of course acknowledge T in the 300s for a mid 20s guy isn’t “good”, but my next steps are focused on the sleep side of things as my workout and diet are dialed in