Dress is top 3 on reputation

Dress is top 3 on reputation and nothing can change my opinion. It's the most underrated song from reputation and the way she sings is just incredible. The song itself is so sexy and mysterious. I just love this song so much and can't believe that people consider it to be in the lower half of reputation in their rankings. For reference, it has the 9th most streams from the album. Dress has some of the best lyrics too and I would say my ranking of top 3 and bottom 3 from reputation are: Getaway Car, I Did Something Bad, and Dress for top 3. Bottom three are This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Look What You Made Me Do, and End Game (sorry for end game stans, but this song is so unbelievably bad)

Feel free to add your opinions and your ranking of reputation, I am open to different opinions :)