What's your opinion about tourists not tipping as per the US standard?

I'm just curious is all. I am not from the US/don't live there/worked there. I' ve only worked as a waiter in the UK.

As many of you are aware, tipping culture is not the same outside the US, so to a foreigner, including myself, is extremely bizzare to have to eventually pay a significant extra amount just to eat out. The logic outside the US (broadly speaking) says you pay for the product (meal) as it's priced and if you feel like tipping, go for it. So it's very strange to be obliged to pay a sinificant extra amount over the price that is stated. Obviously I know it's not the waiter's fault, it's just how things are in the US. Personally, my feeling (which could be wrong) is that I would avoid eating out in the US for that reason. I want to pay the price, not more money just because the system is messed up.

My question to you all: are you udnerstanding if a tourist doesn't tip (for reasons stated above) or do you expect the same tipping from all (i.e tourist should be aware of tipping culture and if they are not willing to tip, don't eat out at all).

Any opinions/stories are welcome. I am curious to see what you think :)