What am I doing wrong?

This is my first month using easy @home LH tests but I’ve been using one step before then but they seemed super light & never got a positive result. I bought these thinking that the others could just be less sensitive with them being cheaper but they’re showing exactly the same with no positive result. Could I have missed it? Am I just not ovulating? I’m 8 months ttc & since the implant being taken out. What more can I do?! 😭

This is my first month using easy @home LH tests but I’ve been using one step before then but they seemed super light & never got a positive result. I bought these thinking that the others could just be less sensitive with them being cheaper but they’re showing exactly the same with no positive result. Could I have missed it? Am I just not ovulating? I’m 8 months ttc & since the implant being taken out. What more can I do?! 😭