"Gays do not feel love they feel lust and just don't know the difference." /r/Christianity does their twice daily

"Gays do not feel love they feel lust and just don't know the difference"

This is over the line even for the mods

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Because same sex couples can and do have long term monogamous relationships.

You wanting to bone young women while married is lust. Two people of the same sex wanting to marry and live a happy monogamous life together isn’t.

Ha! It's polygamy I'm tempted by not cheating. Wanting to bone someone with no risk of pregnancy is lust. And that's the only logical reason to be gay otherwise it's just plain a mental illness and should be treated as such.

So you are incapable of the empathy that it takes to see, how you feel for your wife, that same sex people can feel for one another?

Because there are biochemical reactions God created for mating pairs to bond and gays literally cannot experience that doing what they do.

The usual pro-slavery discussion. This time, one user proudly owns up to supporting slavery.

If the Bible says something is a sin, then it is a sin. It doesn't matter that it ruffles some people's modern sensibilities.

And conversely, if the bible says something is acceptable, I assume that thing is acceptable?


You walked into that one

Lol I don't care. I will condone BIBLICAL slavery. But that also only occurred properly in corporate Israel which hasn't existed for a long time.

Some are upset that this is a subject that gets traction

I love how all new posts on this sub are like 3 to 5 comments, then someone says something about gays and suddenly it skyrockets to like 70

Edit:(300 in an hour, like come on, where are you people when someone asks other questions)

Maybe they don’t have an opinion on whether it’s ok to masturbate or not, or maybe they think it’s satire when someone ask if it’s ok to watch porn, because that seems to be the only questions asked here, or the most predominant ones anyway

And surely this one is so novel

It’s going to be 1 of 2 kind of people asking that question anyway, either the first, looking to poke the hornets nest (pro or con) or someone practicing this lifestyle and wanting someone to tell them it’s ok

What lifestyle is that?

The gay lifestyle

One doesn't know anything about conversion therapy but is sure its a swell idea

All of those can be fixed/helped which is why I don't understand it

So can be homosexuality. It can be helped, a good church community will recognize that instead of condemning you and pushing you out. I am against that, we all fall short of the Glory of God and need Him to get through life. And we as Christians need to stand up and with those of us with issues.

Do you think conversion therapy works and is a good idea?

I don’t know anyone firsthand that has undergone therapy. But enlightenment coming from love and compassion does help. Do you love God more or do you love yourself more? That is the main point, we are to put Him first in our lives. In everything, we are to fulfill His plan. Not ours

Imagine founding out you sold your personal aversion as God's will. That would be wild.

Listen man, I just go by what God tells me to. I get direction from The Bible and do my best to live according to His word. I love Him more than myself and that’s why I delve into social media to try and bring people to Him like he wants us to.

You realise this is a perfect thread to show freshly or almost deconverted people?

They will run to the non Christian side immediately and will never come back.

The amount of destructive hate and personal aversion displayed here, hidden in and hiding in the claim that it's god will.

If God created homosexuality as a test.

The test was never for homosexuals.

Think about that, long and hard.

It was a test for homosexuals and for others who know homosexuals. Those who are looking for an out love themselves and the world more than they love God. The homosexuals need to face the battle they have, and give it up to God. Truly, and He will help them. And those who hate homosexuals it is a test to them to learn from God and not from Satan. God loves us all and sent His Son to die for us on the cross. We have to acknowledge He did that and do what we can to honor the sacrifice He made for us. Think long and hard about your way of life, before it’s too late.