Survey (cont'd): are you fluent when you speak when alone?
Hi, I am continuing a little survey about how fluent PWS are when the are alone. The scale is:
1 = completely fluent
2 = much more fluent when alone, but not perfect
3 = slightly more fluent when alone
4 = about the same
5 = worse fluency when alone than in presence of people
Thanks to the 4,100 people who read one of the two posts! Got only a handful of responses (13) so far. FWIW, the results to date are:
Rating Number-of-responses
Rating=1 Number=5
Rating= 1-2 Number=3
Rating=2 Number=2
Rating=2-3 Number=3
Rating=3-5 Number=0
These results confirm early stuttering research that found that PWS are more fluent when alone, but they are not as favorable as a study by Prof. Eric Jackson (NYU) who found near-perfect fluency in 24 PWS when they were truly convinced that they were alone (Journal of Fluency Disorders 70 (2021) 105878. I don't understand the difference.