Do you care if other people who stutter acknowledge your stutter?
I have had a moderate stutter for 30+ years and it has really made me an introverted person. I get really excited when I meet other people who stutter. It doesn’t matter where, grocery store, retail, restaurant, whatever. It’s like meeting a celebrity or someone who is part of our “secret club”. I know they will immediately understand my speech patterns and be patient with me and me with them.
I fight with myself whether I should point out their stutter and make a connection (stutter buddies) or just let it be. I guess if the shoe were on the other foot, I would be hoping a non stuttering person wouldn’t notice my stutter, but I would be open to meeting someone who stuttered and talking about it if they heard mine and could relate.
Idk, maybe I just answered my own question. Would you be offended if a fellow person who stutters made conversation about your stutter?