Upcoming Capcom Pro Tour format changes and additions for the 2025 Season

The following information is compiled from Haruhiro Tsujimoto's message at the end of Capcom Cup, and the new bits scattered across the Pro Tour website. Further details still pending as we wait for the official news article. Once those will become available, assuming anything is missing or wasn't already covered by what you'll see below - the thread will be updated accordingly

Offline Premiers

  • 1) Same amount of Premier-tier events as last year, but the actual list is, once again, different compared to the 2024 season. The currently confirmed schedule for CPT 2025 consists of the following tournaments:

    • EVO Japan (May 9th-11th)
    • Combo Breaker (May 23rd-25th)
    • CEO (June 13th-15th)
    • Blink Respawn (July 18th-20th)
    • EVO Vegas (August 1st-3rd)
    • EVO France (October 10th-12th)
    • CPT Asia Premier (Date TBA)
    • Ultimate Fighting Arena (Date TBA)
  • 2) Offline Super Premiers are no longer a thing. As such, no Premier-tier event shall also grant one qualification spot to a runner-up, unless the winner of said event has already qualified prior via another method

  • 3) Premier event winners still automatically qualify into Capcom Cup, however in addition these events now also reward points towards a unified Global leaderboard for the Top-32 highest placing players, excluding the aforementioned winners. The point distribution system is as follows:

    • 2nd place = 300 points
    • 3rd place = 250 points
    • 4th place = 200 points
    • 5th place (tie) = 150 points
    • 7th place (tie) = 100 points
    • 9th place (tie) = 50 points
    • 13th place (tie) = 30 points
    • 17th place (tie) = 20 points
    • 25th place (tie) = 10 points
  • 4) Four of the scheduled Premiers - those being Combo Breaker, CEO, Blink Respawn, and Ultimate Fighting Arena - will also award the Top-4 players with bonus prize money in addition to the payouts determined by TOs themselves, though it's worth noting that these CPT payouts aren't new, rather the selection of tournaments to receive this additional prize pool is. The breakdown for the bonus is as follows:

    • 1st place = 2000$
    • 2nd place = 1500$
    • 3rd place = 1000$
    • 4th place = 700$
  • 5) At the end of the season, the Top-6 highest Premier points scoring players on the Global leadeboard are automatically qualified into Capcom Cup directly. In the case of two players ending up with same amount of points, unlike other qualification methods that require a "tiebreaker match" - here whoever's results over the course of a season were better is the deciding factor

World Warrior Program

  • 6) Still consists of exclusively online tournaments held within specifically designated Regions, through which players either qualify into Capcom Cup either by either directly winning a local Regional Final or accumulating the highest amount of points on a dedicated leaderboard. However, the general structure of aforementioned regions has been slightly reshuffled - now there will be 20 Standard regions (up from 10) and 4 Super regions (down from 14). The updated lists for both look like this:

    • Standard Regions
      • GERMANY
      • MEXICO
      • BRAZIL
      • OCEANIA
      • ASIA SOUTH
    • Super Regions
      • UK/IRELAND
      • JAPAN
      • ASIA
      • ASIA EAST
  • 7) The points distribution system for Regular WW tournaments has been expanded from Top-16 to Top-64. Now the full chart looks like this:

    • 1st place = 50 points
    • 2nd place = 40 points
    • 3rd place = 35 points
    • 4th place = 30 points
    • 5th place (tie) = 25 points
    • 7th place (tie) = 20 points
    • 9th place (tie) = 15 points
    • 13th place (tie) = 10 points
    • 17th place (tie) = 5 points
    • 25th place (tie) = 3 points
    • 33rd place (tie) = 2 points
    • 49th place (tie) = 1 point

eSports World Cup

  • 8) Officially confirmed to be in a partnership with the Capcom Pro Tour starting from the 2025 Season, all the way to 2027. Both circuits will cooperate by qualifying players into each other over the course of the year

  • 9) Winners and Runner-ups of EVO Japan, Combo Breaker, CEO, Blink Respawn and EVO Vegas will all be automatically granted a qualifying spot for the eSports World Cup Finals, currently scheduled for August 2025. In a case of either/both players already having secured a spot in EWC, the automatic qualification is instead passed onto the next highest placing competitor(s), down to Top-16 within a given tournament, with a decider match being held between those tied for 5th place or lower

  • 10) Lastly, the player that wins at the EWC Finals will automatically qualify into Capcom Cup directly, no questions asked, thus making for a sort of symbiotic relationship between EWC and CPT

Capcom Cup

  • 11) Total prize pool for the 2025 CPT season is adverised to be over 2,000,000$ across all of its competitions, from the WW rank events and all the way to CapCup itself. While neither exact payouts distribution nor whether the eSports World Cup is taken into consideration have been confirmed, it's likely that the prizes for those finishing below Top-3 at the CPT finale were boosted this time around

  • 12) Although the number of CapCup participants remains unchanged at 48 players total, the actual composition saw significant changes. The final competitor roster at the CPT season finale next year will consist of the following:

    • Capcom Cup 2025 Champion (1 player)
    • Street Fighter League World Champions (4 players)
    • eSports World Cup Finals Winner (1 player)
    • Offline Premier Winners (8 players)
    • Offline Premier Points Leaderboard (6 players)
    • Online World Warrior Regional Final Winners (24 players)
    • Online World Warrior Ranking Leadboard (4 players)