Lupine Class Bulk Freighter
For those who are curious I drew this with an ink pen. The engine block is inspired from CR-90 (ofc) It is about 270-300 meter long, not really sure about the length. About 50 meters at the widest area and about 45 meters high.
It is armed with 4 laser cannons and one heavy ion cannon. It has 3 larger engines at the middle and 4 smaller engines. Two hangers on each side, to land light freighters or shuttles in to transfer cargo and to store and maintain 8 droid fighters serving as it's escort. Two large cargo holds above and below the ship spine, which connect to hanger with cargo elevators.
The front portion of the ship houses comms, sensors, bridge, secondary reactor, backup hyperdrive, bridge, crew quarters and recreational area, storage rooms for crew and droids and a large ramp at bottom. It can detach from the ship and serve as a slow but functional ship if needed.
Landing gear is present attached to the lower cargo hold. Lemme know what you folks think. It was fun to come up with and draw this.
For those who are curious I drew this with an ink pen. The engine block is inspired from CR-90 (ofc) It is about 270-300 meter long, not really sure about the length. About 50 meters at the widest area and about 45 meters high.
It is armed with 4 laser cannons and one heavy ion cannon. It has 3 larger engines at the middle and 4 smaller engines. Two hangers on each side, to land light freighters or shuttles in to transfer cargo and to store and maintain 8 droid fighters serving as it's escort. Two large cargo holds above and below the ship spine, which connect to hanger with cargo elevators.
The front portion of the ship houses comms, sensors, bridge, secondary reactor, backup hyperdrive, bridge, crew quarters and recreational area, storage rooms for crew and droids and a large ramp at bottom. It can detach from the ship and serve as a slow but functional ship if needed.
Landing gear is present attached to the lower cargo hold. Lemme know what you folks think. It was fun to come up with and draw this.