Is there any mechanism besides GABA that can make you consistently "not give a f***"?
Before you look at this as some kind of angsty teenager post or someone trying to get "high", I am actually asking a serious question here. I have a perfect job, perfect husband, roof over our heads, and everything is fine. However I don't even get to enjoy it because I'm constantly worried about losing it or random shit that doesn't matter (like did I eat enough today? Did I eat enough carbs to run without passing out? Is the cat going to die? Am I going to lose my job?) . The only time I can live in the moment and appreciate what's directly around me is when I'm drinking alcohol, which isn't sustainable. Alcohol makes me just focus on what's happening right at that second so I suddenly realize everything is OK.
What are some things I can take to help me "live a little" and actually stay in the present?