If you complain about the Porn covers getting removed you are honestly a weirdo.

Collecting porn on a music collection game that kids play? You are a weirdo and belong on a list. Also "the game is 13+" is possibly the worst argument I have ever heard. Not only because younger players will of course exist even 13 y olds should not have to see these covers.

I hope the soundmap team will continue to remove covers of these artists.

If you disagree please block me on soundmap, I do not want to interact with you in any way.

User: WMimmi

Collecting porn on a music collection game that kids play? You are a weirdo and belong on a list. Also "the game is 13+" is possibly the worst argument I have ever heard. Not only because younger players will of course exist even 13 y olds should not have to see these covers.

I hope the soundmap team will continue to remove covers of these artists.

If you disagree please block me on soundmap, I do not want to interact with you in any way.

User: WMimmi