i lowkey feel like my cousin is using me

hey guys,

just a little vent i wanted to get off my chest and needed some quick advice. so my oldest cousin (f25) got married to her husband (m27) back in december on a random wednesday when i had finals so i wasn’t able to go because i had exams. obviously nobody in the family knew until she randomly contacted us and said she was having a mini nikkah at her house and wanted us to all come.

fast forward the day after she gets married she then asks me for a ride. i drop her off at home and i see a car parked in her driveway that looked exactly like mine, and i commented and said how her neighbor had the exact same car as me. she then tells me how that was her new car that husband bought her as a gift. i obviously didn’t know what to say, because she’s been constantly talking about how she’s been wanting to get a toyota or mazda for the past couple months and instead got the one i have. i drop her off and wasn’t really comfortable to go inside her house because her husband lives there now and i just left.

literally a week after, she brags to our whole family on how he has a business and how he has money and everything in the book, but again asks me again for another ride back to her house. i asked her “wait what happened to ur car that ur husband bought?” she tells me “oh he uses it now, but it’s still my car we’re sharing it. i like to be passenger princess so i don’t drive anymore” which is something i found oddly interesting.. and the thing is i love my cousin i really do. but wlh i hate driving 40 mins to drop her off then another 40 mins for me to drive back home, it’s tiring especially when you just got out of work.

now, here’s what i’m trying to figure out. this whole month and december of my cousin constantly bragging about her husband’s wealth. i’ve been getting spammed with text msgs of her asking me for money and rides especially when she knows how busy i am everyday. and it doesn’t make sense to me. i always ask her “i don’t have money rn, why don’t u ask ur husband” and she keeps starting arguments with me on how it’s ceeb to ask him all the time, and how i wouldn’t understand because i don’t have a husband, and it makes me wanna ghost her everytime we have this convo. it’s like almost every since she got married, it’s constant asking for money and rides, and making plans with me without even asking me if i’m free. like she’ll be like “i need u to take me to the mall on friday, come scoop me after work” am i her driver or her cousin??

on top of that, my birthday was a couple weeks ago and so my family gave me money as a gift because who doesn’t love money?😭 and the same day, i get called 6x and spammed with text msgs and cashapp requests while i’m at work btw by my cousin and she doesn’t EVEN ASK mind you. she tells me “oh i didn’t eat lunch, i need u to send me money” using my own birthday money.. and i again tell her “i’m saving up my money rn, ask your husband” and she goes “he’s at work rn i don’t wanna bother him, plus it’s ceeb” .. i’m at the point of losing my mind with this word ceeb ..

like genuinely am i being used? and is she even using the word “ceeb” right??

EDIT 1: thank you so much for the nicest replies, we just had a conversation over the phone last night which again ended in a argument. do i care atp? no. i’m just happy i put my foot down and now she’s sad that i’m not her little assistant and she has to actually rely on the guy she married now, honestly i just think i’m too nice to people but i had enough. i got called names by her but it didn’t affect me and i went straight to bed.🤞🏽