This Lavellan line in DAV bugs me so much...

"How could I have fallen for an Elven god?"

This is SO out of character for my Lavellan. She specifically NEVER refers to Solas as a god. My Lavellan is very intentional about avoiding calling him that and she internally cringes whenever other people call him that, because she knows he is just a man at the end of the day, and she knows how much he hates being worshipped or feared as a god.

Even if she was saying it sarcastically, it would not suit my Lavellan. She took that term very seriously and did not want it applied to her Solas. She wouldn't be caught dead using a term she understands as abhorrant to him. Its like the ultimate slur in her opinion.

My Lavellan was also a very anti-theistic, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian type. She values freedom, autonomy and natural harmony above all. She didn't believe in gods, but even if they were real, she would not worship them just for being gods.

So this line is so out of character. I know they were trying to play it safe for everyone's Lavellans bc its so easy to misrepresent a character that was once playable--BUT THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST LET US CONTROL HER A LITTLE BIT LIKE INITIALLY PLANNED 😫