Snipes awarded in "Find the squirrel toy that my niece accidentally dropped in the pool (toy referen...
Below is a list of the snipes awarded in this post.
Please note that a snipe being found and OP awarding a snipe doesn't mean the conversation has ended.
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Snipes from OP /u/technowise
1 snipe from OP to /u/EagleRock1337 for ">!Starting from dead center, it is about 12 squares down and 6 squares left.!<"
1 snipe from OP to /u/Shaula-Alnair for ">!Down and left of center, near a horizontal pair of dark blue tiles!< Hopefully your niece ..."
1 snipe from OP to /u/dogododo for ">!just to the bottom left of the center!<"
1 snipe from OP to /u/Euristic_Elevator for "Wow I found it immediately for once >!From the center of the picture, slightly lower and to the ..."
Snipes from Other Users
None yet.