Snipes awarded in "Find the little lizard"
Below is a list of the snipes awarded in this post.
Please note that a snipe being found and OP awarding a snipe doesn't mean the conversation has ended.
For a full explanation of the snipe system, see here.
Snipes from OP /u/Muted-Inflation-7736
1 snipe from OP to /u/koos_die_doos for ">!Dead center in the crack!<"
1 snipe from OP to /u/Pleasework94 for ">!pretty much dead center, in the horizontal crack just right of the light grey pebble stuck in b..."
1 snipe from OP to /u/BumblebeeAwkward8331 for ">!nearly dead center under a white rock in a crevice!<"
1 snipe from OP to /u/_Bug_Eater_ for ">!under the white pebble in the middle!<"
1 snipe from OP to /u/hjperez2000 for ">!In the center of the photo, in the middle of the two large rocks, right in the fissure behind t..."
Snipes from Other Users
None yet.